TYC Cast: Kat Ogden
Monday October 24, 7pm Tell Your Children screens at The Grand Cinema in Tacoma! More details here
We continue the introductions to one of the amazing women who make up our all-female cast of Tell Your Children.
Kat Ogden

Photo courtesy Kat Ogden
This project is the work of many hands. There are cast and crew members, family and friends, and the wonderful backers. There are people I call "the helpers" who've supplied logistical info that allowed permits and contracts and Things To Happen. And there are a select few people who served as my personal sounding board through various stages of this project.
Kat Ogden is a fellow Tacoma native and a story developer for film and TV, as well as an actor, writer, producer, assistant director, and probably more things I still don’t know about, and I have dubbed her the Official Fairy Godmother of Tell Your Children.
Kat and I met on the set of JourneyQuest season 1, back in 2010, and since then, we've been stealing time for coffee or wine and sending late night texts and emails after kids are finally in bed about the things we're working on, things we want to write, produce, and act in, our plans for more film opportunities in our chosen city and more film opportunities for women and for working parents. If you’ve been keeping up with this project, you know these are all the things I wanted to wrangle with in producing this film.
Kat also won a grant from the City of Tacoma in 2012 to produce her short fantasy film, “Infested,” which planted a, “Hey… I could do that,” spark. When I decided to make Tell Your Children, she supported my crazy idea from the first glimmer—creatively and logistically—from agreeing there is room for fantasy and poetry in local film to being a first reader for 2 of the poems to walking me through the budget process to introducing me to Rose, our amazing producer, at the shortest lived book club in the world.
In Tell Your Children, Kat plays two parts. She is the title role in the film I directed, “Demeter at the Washington Coast”—a restless Goddess in a season of unsatisfactory grief.

Photo by Kat St. John Photography
She also plays the oldest sister, Winter, in "Threadbare," directed by Wonder Russell.

Photo by Kat St. John Photography
The Official Bio: Kat Ogden is a development executive in feature film and television with a deep love of acting and visual storytelling. More info at IMDB.
The Other Bio she sent, maybe as a joke and perhaps didn’t intend to be posted, but here it is, because some of it is true and some of it might be a poem or a script or a Wednesday night:
Kat Ogden is...
willing to drive the get-away car and is waiting on Emilie to come out of the drug store with the stolen lipstick. "It says..." Emilie cannot see Kat is driving too fast, the sun is too bright. "I'll just call it F*** Me Red," Emilie says. Good enough, they both think.
Emilie pours the champagne as they take a corner hard, the car protesting. It sloshes on her hand and down the seat. Neither mind. It's not their car.
Accelerating again, Kat thinks she is... too often tired unusually restless and often in a perpetual state of feeling peregrine. But she's grateful for a friend who she suspects has a fond weakness for sea glass likes wooden sailboats believes there are still mermaids, somewhere.
They stop on a beach, to sip champagne and discuss the merits of French wool sweaters.
These women never ever discuss 80's TV, or who they don't like. Instead, it's a friendship of two people who love to dance, like to drive fast who both drink coffee believe in failing often and like stories.

Photo courtesy Kat Ogden